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Subject:      [New][Story][Raw]Rhyme 1(BE, and comments/advise desired.)
From: (Sormin)
Date:         1997/11/08
Message-ID:   <>
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Hi, there! ^_^ A comment from an e-mail I received after I posted a somewhat
long story prompted me to seek out the group. I did not
have anybody look it over before I posted, so the e-mail I got was quite
welcome. I do NOT consider myself an editor, all I can do is try feeling out
a story and comments from others help me learn how to make my stories
To be honest, the sex stories I've got rotting on my HD are mostly all
works-in-progress and brain-candy. I like sci-fi and fantasy very much, and
I tend to add most of the elements that those subjects can--expand upon. I
was told of an error I made, and that the story sounded masculine. An early
attempt at writing erotica, I expect that, but I'd love to be able to go on
to stories that don't have quite the 'stamp' of the author and allow the
story to go on it's own style, if that makes any sense.

Here's a bit from another work-in-progress--and not very much into the
story, but I'd LOVE C&C on it.





     "So, what's this all about, Tom?"
     Tom turned a little in the act of opening the door to the second
room in the apartment to face his friend, Rick, behind him. The dirty
blonde, spectacled twenty-four year old with the still-pimplely face on his
pudgy body grinned at him. "This'll blow your mind," he chuckled and
opened the door. When he walked in, the slimmer and average-looking
Rick gaped at the sight.
     Most of the furniture belonging to Tom's roommate Walter had
been cleared away, a fact that would greatly annoy the other computer wiz
when he returned from vacation. In its place, a complicated series of
drawings had been painstakingly drawn on the floor, along with Tom's
ever-present computer in a corner. After making sure he had not stepped
on anything, Tom turned to smirk at the stunned Rick. "What do you
think?" he asked.
     "Shit, Tom!" Rick exclaimed, "Walter's gonna be pissed! What the
hell IS all this?!"
     "Exactly right," Tom agreed, making the black-haired young man
blink at him.
     "THIS," the slightly overweight man declared, "is to summon up a
     Rick stared at his friend. "I think you've been hitting the Extra-
Strength Caffeine Jolt a little too much, Tom. Demon??"
     "Well, a small imp, actually," Tom admitted, then laughed.
"Actually, I am just kidding," Rick rolled his eyes; he knew it, "but I
this really neat book and thought to give it a try just for the Hell of it."
Both laughed at the joke. "This is the double version of one of the spells.
Wanna give 'er a go?"
     Rick chuckled. "What the hey. Sure. We'll ask for a few nubile
nymphs or something."
     "That's why I called you over: your love of fantasy." Oddly eager,
Tom pointed to a blank circle on the floor. "Just stand there, I'm going to
do all the work."
     "Even better," Rick said as he carefully went to the indicated spot.
Tom went to another one with a more richly defined line around it.
Appropriate, Rick thought, amused.
     With a suddenly serious face, the blonde hacker started chanting.
Rick's eyes widened; it sounded like Tom had been practising for the
words were clear, if unknown. It went on for a minute before Rick started
feeling the hairs of his neck rise; somehow the words were echoing.
     The light for the room flickered and even with the window open
the room grew dark. Needless to say, Rick was getting frightened.
Looking at Tom, he saw the hacker's eyes were dancing with excitement
and the words came faster, as if he couldn't wait. 
     Disbelief was turning into shocked surprise. Rick wanted to leave,
but like Tom had said he knew a lot about fantasy and one thing you did
NOT do was leave a protective circle during a spell. And what his friend
was doing was obviously doing SOMETHING. 
     Then Tom was done.
     A small mote of light appeared in the center circle of the
complicated pattern and Tom and Rick gasped at the sight. Then another
came, and another. And another. The motes began multiplying
exponentially as the humans gaped, finally settling into a glittering
column of stars in the middle of a low-rent apartment. 
     This was an imp?! Rick thought disbelievingly.
     "I-I have s-summoned ye, imp, to do my will!" Tom stuttered.
"Speak!" There was nothing for a moment, then...
     #I am not an imp, human,# a cool whisper of a voice echoed in
their minds. Rick shuddered; the voice sounded ancient as Time. #Nor am
I from the lower realms you call 'Hell'.#
     "W-what??" Tom said, stunned.
     #You miscast the spell,# the being said flatly. #So much so that
you caught MY essence accidentally.#
     "Then will you do my bidding?" Tom asked hesitantly. Rick
almost slapped a hand over his eyes; what a question!
     #I am not bound by this spell,# the being said, and Tom's face fell,
#nor could it have done so in any case. I can be summoned, not controlled.
My power is too great.#
     Oh shit, Rick thought. Then stiffened as he felt a feather-light, yet
powerful touch in his head. He saw Tom stiffen as well.
     #Interesting. Human betrayal: you planned to sacrifice your friend
if you had succeeded with this.#
     "What?" Rick whispered, stunned.
     #You knew the spell would work, you have been learning from
another WITH others,# the being said aloud to Tom, who was looking
pale and sweating. His friend couldn't believe it; it was TRUE! #His soul
in exchange for what you desired from the powerful demon you planned
to bring. But you messed it up greatly.#
     "You son of a bitch," Rick growled, suddenly furious, but the next
thing the being said stopped him from leaping over and throttling the
wide-eyed Tom.
     #I will therefore punish you and reward your victim for disturbing
my solitude.# Tom vanished with a horrified look on his face, Rick wasn't
sure if his own wasn't just as frightened. #What do you wish?# the being
said emotionlessly.
     "Uh..." Rick sweated, he didn't want to piss this thing off so he had
to think of something quick. "Can you give me the...uh...ability to cast
rhyme magic?" It had gone through his head, it had to know what he
meant. Being able to make magic was a dream of his.
     #That is within my power. Granted.# Rick felt a tingle all over and
then it and the being vanished as fast as Tom had.
     The room returned to normal instantly with proper illumination,
leaving Rick alone, shaking, and wondering if he WAS dreaming.
     "Tom?" he said loudly, hoping his friend was still here. Nothing.
Not caring if the drawing was mussed, Rick near ran from the room,
crying, "TOM!"
     Nothing again.
     Tom was gone.
     Rick, trying to look casual and not scared to death, returned to his
car and drove back to his own single-person apartment. His mind was an
absolute blank from overload and he moved through the streets like an
automaton. The first thing he did when he got back home was lie on his
bed. It was Friday afternoon, he didn't have to go to work, and the
adrenaline rush he had experienced was gone.
     He fell asleep instantly.
     The police ringing on his doorbell the next morning woke him up,
the previous nights events remembered as a dream in his sleep-addled
mind. Mind still foggy with sleep, he peered at the two standing at his
doorway. One a burly man with a mustache, and the other an attractive
woman who would've caught his attention had he been more awake and
less shy.
     "Rick Mendholt?" the man asked politely.
     "I will be after my coffee." He yawned.
     "Were you at Tomas Finderson's residence yesterday?"
     "Sure," Rick agreed sleepily, not yet aware of his predicament as
he was a very slow riser and his wits weren't fully revved yet. The police
noticed this. "Damn weird dream I had too, thought he had gotten into
demon summoning and gotten blitzed by a mistake. Freaky." The pair
exchanged uncertain looks.
     "Blitzed?" the woman asked him. 
     "I read a lot of fiction and I know this: never mess up a spell. It..."
He stopped and blinked as he came more awake. "Hey... why ARE you
     "Mr. Finderson's sister visited yesterday and found her brother's
apartment unlocked, unoccupied, and his roommate's room left in an odd
state. Witnesses have claimed you left the building a short time before she
arrived. Can you tell us what happened?"
     "Uh..." Rick sweated; he couldn't tell him his friend tried to send
his soul to hell and vanished instead. "He invited me over after not calling
for months. I didn't know what he had been up to be he showed me this
fucking weird design he had made in his roommate, another friend of
mine, Walter's room. He talked me into trying to summon an imp, nothing
happened, and, being a little freaked by all this came back home and fell
asleep until you woke me up."
     "What about that dream?" the woman pressed. Rick swallowed,
then grinned sickly. 
     "It's nothing. Really."
     "We'd LOVE to hear it."
     What the hell; they'll think it's a dream and I don't want to make up
a story. "Okay... In the dream Tom's spell worked, but he did it wrong and
got some sparkly-light super-being. It probed our minds and decided to
punish Tom for what he had planned to do to me. He vanished, it
vanished, and I left. Silly, huh?"
     The man's eyes raised. "What DID he 'plan to do'."
     "Sell my soul for his own gain," he said, shrugging but shivering as
it could've gone that way. That bastard. "Standard demon stuff if you read
fiction. In any case, he probably left somewhere else after freaking me out
and forgot about his sister coming. Maybe crashed in a friend's place.
Done it before."
     "All right," the policeman said. "Sorry to bother you, Mr.
     "No problem."
     The two officers returned to their car. Normally something like
this wouldn't warrant investigation so soon, but that pattern on the
apartment floor had spooked some church-going, high ranking people. 
     "What do you think, Dan?" the woman asked her partner as he
settled behind the wheel.
     "I don't see how he could be involved, Sam," Dan mused. "He was
only in the apartment maybe ten to fifteen minutes from the witnesses
we've already gotten. That bizarre drawing took hours to make so the
victim had to have made it and there were no signs of a struggle."
     "Demon summoning," Samantha snorted. "Suuuure."
     "There's one thing that bugs me about what that kid told us."
     "That is..."
     "Don't you remember? One of the victim's neighbours heard
someone calling out the victim's name in a frightened tone." He paused.
"Just before he practically ran out of the building. As if someone had
vanished before his very eyes and he didn't believe it." His partner stared
at him.
     "You AREN'T serious!"
     "Let's just say that I have a strong hunch that we'll not find this
guy," Dan said quietly. "Wherever he went."
     Sam gaped at him, then swallowed and laughed nervously. "We'll
find him. Eventually."
     Dan shook off the mood he had gotten into and laughed. "Sure, I'm
just imagining things. Let's go." He started the engine.
     Still, as they drove away, Samantha stared up at the floor where
the suspect lived. Which story had been the truth? she wondered.
     And did she really want to know?
     The next week was a blur for Rick. Phone calls, visits, Tom's angry
roommate and friend Walter returned early from vacation to get his stuff
and move to another place. He'd told Rick Tom had been acting strange
for a while before he'd left on vacation, but the Satanist turn took the
Rick's boss was sympathetic and told him to take the next few weeks off,
the office where he worked as a junior computer analyst could handle his
absence for a while.
     Unfortunately, that left Rick with nothing to occupy his time for
the next two weeks. His last girlfriend had dumped him after she got tired
of his slow progress in their relationship. Too fast, you're oversexed; too
slow, you're a wimp. Women. At least he could read some of his books
again. He'd take fantasy and ma gic...
     He froze.
     He had TOTALLY forgotten what ELSE the being had done.
     Could he really cast spells like he had wanted to? A catalyst rhyme
and supporting visualization to cast a spell? Feeling somewhat foolish, he
tried it as he straightened in his living room chair. 
     "Bright..." Would this work? "light?" He started as he felt a  small
bit of energy leaving him as a ball of yellow light coalesced before his
eyes, floating in the air.
     His jaw dropped.
     Rick walked all around the globe which continued to float in the
air, marvelling at it the whole time. How long would it last? Probably not
long given the simple spell he had used. He still couldn't believe it. What
else could he do with this? And how strong WAS he?
     His cock began to stiffen as some of his favourite fantasies rose to
the forefront of his consciousness. He had some ideas, but whether he
could do them was another story. It was fortunate Rick was not an evil
man given his new power.
     Still... some practice was in order.
     Saturday, he went to the beach.
     It was a glorious day and the sands were littered with people on
towels, even as early as Rick had arrived. He was eager to try his new
powers, to his benefit, but not be too obvious about it. The light had
several hours and he hadn't done anything else so as to keep his strength
up. His body wouldn't be used to the strain of spell-casting yet, or so he
     His black haired, average build didn't cause a stir as he found a
nice spot where most of the younger crowd were. He affected an
unconcerned air as he applied his sun lotion on himself, all the while
looking for suitable targets. He found a few.
     There was a nicely-formed brunette lying down alone on her
stomach with her bikini top off who was nearby. Rick stretched out 
casually and suppressed a grin as he readied himself.
     Finally, he did it. "You'd look your best, with a bigger chest," he
murmured quietly. It was a stronger spell, but Rick was ready for the drain
this time. Not too bad considering the results.
     For the squished tits of the young woman enlarged quickly to a
new size two sets larger than before and rebelled at the pressure she was
inflicting on them. Startled, she yipped as her front rose and looked at
herself. The brunette gave a startled scream, which attracted attention
from other girls nearby and they quickly gathered around her. The girl
whispered to a blonde frantically and that one stared at her in disbelief.
The girl, somewhat sheltered by the female crowd, lifted herself up and
tried to cover herself. There were gasps as it became plain her DD bosom
could NOT have been contained by the bikini she couldn't wear anymore. 
     Some had seen her before and exclaimed over her new size, but
the girl was not amused. Covering herself with her blanket, she left. It
would wear off, hopefully; he'd used the same effort, if not power, that he
had for the light globe. Still, Rick was elated that it had worked! He had a
hard-on and was glad he was laying on his chest to hide it. 
     After waiting a time to let things cool off, he started eyeing the
women around him again. Rick's eyes locked on a wet couple walking
away from the ocean; a typical muscular jock and blonde beach bunny in
thin two-piece.  He grinned and muttered the rhyme again.
     The woman stopped dead in her tracks, shocked as she felt her
breasts expanding like the previous girl had. Her boyfriend looked back at
her, puzzled that she had halted, but he gaped when her top snapped from
the sudden pressure. This time Rick got a glorious view of the two lovely
and huge DD tits that he had created.
      So did the rest of the beach before she started struggling to hide
her new bust, hard to do at that size. Despite his amazement, her boyfriend
solved her problem by lifting her up in his arms and hiding her tits
between their bodies. She appeared shell-shocked, but Rick thought those
two would try those babies out soon enough. People stared at them as they
rushed away.
     Rick started guiltily and looked beside him at where the voice had
come from. It was a young woman about his age, short, slim, and was red-
headed as she looked at him curiously behind big glasses. Looked cute
with them, actually, complementing her short hair style. She wore a one
piece bathing suit and carried a beach bag under her arm.
     "Ah... yes?" he replied.
     "What's going on with those two? I didn't see what happened too
clearly," she asked with a uncertain voice as she knelt down so they could
talk better. Sounded like someone about as confident as himself with the
other sex, which wasn't saying much.
     "Girl's breasts grew two sizes. Busted up her suit."
     The red-head stared at him. "You're kidding."
     "Nope," Rick shook his head with a grin. "Everyone saw it. Second
time today its happened, actually."
     "Really?" the new arrival wondered aloud. Then she quickly took
out her towel, placed it flat on the ground, and plunked herself on it
than he thought possible.
     "Er..." Rick coughed politely. "I take it you'd like that."
     She blushed bright red at what she'd just done in front of him.
"Well... I think I could handle a two size increase. I'm only an A-cup. I
can't gain weight because of an inherited metabolism."
     Rick looked at her. "You look fine."
     "Maybe," she said, looking down.
     "I'm Rick, by the way," he offered. She blushed again.
     "I'm sorry!" she apologized. "I'm Rebecca, or Becky."
     "I'll let you in on a little secret," he said in a low voice, smiling.
The urge to tell someone else was just too great.
     "What's that?"
     "The breast thing was my fault."
     She stared at him through her glasses. "You?" Rick nodded.
"How?" she asked sceptically, sunlight flashing from the lens.
     "Well... Let's just say a friend tried to do something bad to me but
he screwed up and I came up smelling roses." He winked at her confused
expression. "I'm just having fun trying it out; those girls will likely be
to normal in a few hours. New at it, you see."
     Becky rearranged herself so that she lay in the same direction he
did, looking at Rick in an odd way. "Prove it," she whispered her dare at
     "Pick a girl," he offered. She bit her lip and looked around the
same way Rick had. Finally, she spotted two women on towels sunning
themselves in front of us. 
     "Them," Becky whispered, somewhat sceptically.
     "Hm... I'll try both at once." It didn't take long to imagine it.
look your best, with a bigger chest," he whispered, and the energy drain
was twice as much now. Rick was starting to feel a little tired and hoped
his body would increase its ability to do this soon.
     But Becky's eyes widening in amazement was worth it, she even
made a strangled noise of disbelief as she watched. The two women's
bosoms rose visibly before their eyes before they sat up and clutched their
chests in shock. They swiftly picked up their things and ran as fast as they
could, but their one-piece suits showed their new busts bouncing nicely.
My new companion's eyes trailed them all the way off the beach before
returning to my face.
     "You really did it," she said, stunned.
     "Yeah," I sighed, feeling tired. "Only cost me a friend who tried to
sell my soul, probably worth the price."
     "Your soul?" Becky squeaked, eyes wide.
     "Important lesson: don't summon demons unless you know what you're
doing, you might get other things more powerful. Fortunately, he screwed up.
was lucky," Rick said soberly.
     "You look tired," Becky noted as she tried digesting what he had told
     "Not used to this yet." He snorted with amusement. "Just practising
being a
typical male asshole with this new gift." Then he realized something.
normally I'm not this open with even a semi-good looking girl." She flushed
and he
grinned. "Maybe because you look more cute than a busty babe. I'll have to
remember that." 
     "Thanks..." she said sourly, grimacing.
     "Oh, sorry. Sore point?"
     "Yeah. Don't worry about it. It's just that I'd like to be a 'busty
babe'," she
said wistfully.
     "Mmmm..." he hummed doubtfully, thinking about the female point of
view. It would be very sexist to assume every woman wanted big tits, the
he had just 'gifted' certainly had not been pleased, but it would be silly
to assume
the opposite too. "Tits sag after a while if you're not careful. Great to
see 'em, but
to have 'em droop must be a bitch. Cute lasts longer." Becky smiled at the
     "Thank you. This is an odd encounter, but I'm glad to have met you,
Her smile turned speculative. "You said it lasts a few hours?" she asked
     "Huh? Oh! Yeah." He looked at her, suspicions forming. "Why?"
     "Well..." She fidgeted uncomfortably, not sure of how to put it in
He knew what she wanted though.
     "You sure?" Becky hesitated, then nodded slowly. "Okay..." 
     He repeated the rhyme and the red-head repressed a gasp as her bosom
swelled under her bathing suit. It was an amazing sight to see those two
bumps swell up into an average C-size. Fortunately, Rick did it just enough
so that
she wouldn't have a problem with her suit. While still cute, she definitely
looked a
lot sexier now with a sizable bosom, but that was his opinion. 
     Becky shook her new chest and marvelled at the feel. "So this is what
feels like," she said, amazed. The red-head stared at him. "What else can
you do?"
     "Whoa," he protested. "I'm still new at this and I'm getting pooped
after a
few minor spells. It's endurance and experience I'm working on at the
Actually," he confessed, "I should be doing this at home and not draw
attention. I
might wind up flat on my face now if I do more. Better go, really." I
started to
     "Wait, wait!" Becky protested and started digging in her bag, finally
producing a card which she gave to him. It was a business card with her name
phone number on it. "You seem like a nice guy, and I'd love to see what you
do later. Give me a ring some time." She shook her tits with a grin. "So I
return the favor, however temporarily this is."
     Rick smiled. "You bet."

End part one here, people.

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