SEX SLAVES OF EAST LONGSHOTT DOWN - PART VII by Infidel Dog Authors' note: This story is a fantasy, involving the kidnapping of young teenagers for the pleasure of a Middle Eastern Pasha. The Pasha is not a cruel man, but his sexual appetite is not easily satisfied, and, when it comes to girls. he has a number of preferences as to their physical characteristics. He is rich enough to carry out a program of enhancement to the girls in his harem to make them meet his requirements. To Western minds, the Pasha and his tastes would be seen as perverted, kinky and sick. We prefer not to judge the man by Western standards, but offer this account as a semi-fictional documentary record of the doings of such a man. Please remind yourself constantly, in his land, his behaviour is considered normal and reasonable. If you object to scenes showing young girls being exposed to situations which Westerners would find intolerably humiliating, read no further. If you are below the age of consent in your community, delete this material at once. SEX SLAVES OF EAST LONGSHOTT DOWN - PART VII by Infidel Dog Chapter 23:- At The Gates I passed the girls' room and hurried down towards the engineer's workshop. Nobody around anywhere. I would cut through the laundry and get round to my room, then have a word with Adnan. Find out who the intruder was, and what he was after. I had never trusted that shifty swine, Adnan. Perhaps he would talk with a little 'persuasion'. I stepped into the engineer's workshop and looked around for a suitable persuader. There was a vicious-looking saw on the bench. I tested the blade. That ought to free his tongue! Watch out, Adnan, dog, here I come! ********** Adnan had come to a halt in the laundry, waiting for Piers to catch up. Where was the little bugger? Probably bumped into the girl Candi and stopped for a quick fuck. Very quick, he thought, and sniggered at his sophisticated humour. Ah! Someone was coming. Was this him? About time. "About time, you lazy little shit, what kept you?" he said loudly as Piers came into the laundry. Except that it wasn't Piers. It was the African no-ball, brandishing a vicious-looking saw. ********** It was Adnan. I couldn't believe my own luck. But my luck was the Will of Allah. This swine had endangered the entire harem by his treachery, to say nothing of dropping me in the shit with the Pasha. I went for him with the vicious-looking saw. I had the advantage of surprise. I leapt at him, and slashed downwards, giving the much-feared war-cry of my father's village. But something had grasped me around the legs and ankles, and I was pitched forward. ********** As the African lunged at Adnan - and the laundry man backed away, keeping an eye on the vicious-looking saw - he gave out a sort of African war-cry. Back in his village, it was probably a much-feared war-cry. Yet at that moment, even as he screamed, his feet became hopelessly entangled in the sheets draped across the laundry basket. He was off balance. In a tangle of bed-linen, he sprawled full length on the floor, catching his head on a corner of the bench as he went down. The last of the sheets wrapped around his legs and he slumped in an untidy heap on the marble floor. But Adnan's eyes were drawn to the laundry basket, and he boggled in sheer disbelief as he stared at it. He stepped across Hassan's inert body, pausing to check it for vital signs. Out cold. Then on to the laundry basket. He opened the lid cautiously, and Kitty sat upright with an 'it's a fair cop' expression on her face. Adnan's jaw dropped. In his time at the harem, he'd heard of some big tits, but never in his life had he ever seen anything even HALF the size of these monsters. Kitty stood up in the basket, her mountainous gazongas hanging outside the wickerwork, swaying around the level of her knees. She held out a hand for him to help her out. "I am Kitty", she said, sweetly. "Adnan". "Ah, so you have come to rescue me?" "You'd better go and get in the van. Through those doors, there." "Certainly! But you will carry my breasts, please?" Adnan spluttered. No actual words came out. He would gladly carry her breasts, but the two of them would be probably too heavy and certainly too bulky for one man. Kitty had an idea. "Walk in front of me, and carry them on your shoulders". So he knelt in front of her, then slowly stood up, grunting under the weight of Kitty's breasts. He raised his hands to hold them up, not quite believing the weight of them as they settled warm and squashy against his ears; then slowly and carefully, the four of them went out of the double doors and into the back of the van. ********** It was about time *somebody* had an uneventful journey from the girls' room, past the engineer's workshop to the laundry. Emily, Candi, Piers and the engineer had just that. Everything went far too smoothly. They stopped at the engineer's workshop, took him inside and tied him securely to the leg of his workbench. Then with Candi leading the way at a brisk waddle, with Piers tagging along in her wake like a seagull following a fishing boat - or rather, in this case, a fish-processing factory-ship - Emily herded her brood toward the van. They came to a halt a couple of times, as Piers managed to catch hold of one of Candi's erogenous zones and she folded him into her bosom with a whimpering sound. On one of these occasions, Piers almost got his rampant erection within striking range; but Emily smacked him on his tautly boyish buttocks, and Candi on her overhanging womanly ones; and the party resumed its progress. They arrived at the van just as Adnan was stepping down, not yet fully recovered from carrying more than sixty pounds of soft Swedish breast on each shoulder. His eyes were glazed. The sight of Candi approaching filled him with awe. If there was one thing that appealed even more strongly to Adnan that giant breasts, it was overweight teenagers. Candi was the most overweight teenager Adnan had ever dreamed of. His jaw dropped for the second time in five minutes. Candi squeezed softly and warmly past him into the van, followed by Piers, clinging to one of her twelve love-handles on each side. She leaned against the wall of the van, exhausted from all her recent exertions, and Piers plunged straight in, adjusting his angle of attack and slipping home a considerable length. Candi released a sigh of contentment, and followed it with a gush of bodily fluids. Emily raised her eyes to the heavens. Kitty, Frida, Toots and Lucinda watched with interest, and the total concentration of young girls intent on learning the secrets of sexual relations. Not that Piers and Candi were keeping any secrets. The girls were open-mouthed and drooling. Toots, a little young for that sort of thing, but undeniably the most experienced, was clapping her little hands in rhythm with the lovers' mutual thrusting. She might well have been flushed with excitement, but on her, it didn't show. Piers came to a conclusion, withdrew considerately, and looked around for the first time at his appreciative audience. "Oh, hi, Cinders", he greeted his sister, lovingly. He looked more closely at Cinders's six-foot chest, then back at her face for confirmation. "It *is* you, Cinders?" he gulped. "It's me", she nodded. "Fucking Hell!" he said with deep feeling. ********** Emily stepped down from the van and pressed herself against the corrugated metal side, looking forward toward the gates of the harem. A large eunuch was still on guard, leaning against the gates in the sunshine. He looked as if he was fully prepared to stay there all day without moving. She was going to find it difficult to sneak along the left side of the van and get into the driver's seat. She might get lucky, but the risk was too great. Even if she did get into the seat, the eunuch would become attentive once the van started. He would surely be alerted by the fact that it was being driven by a girl in harem clothing. Why hadn't they thought of this before? She hissed to Adnan, and he came over. "Can you drive this thing?" she said. Adnan seemed not to have recovered fully from his experience with Kitty and her breasts. He shook his head, wild-eyed. "I can't drive. Not this van or nothing!" Curse these bloody useless blokes, she thought. Right, then, *she'd* have to drive the van out of the gates, but they'd need a diversion to get the eunuch away. Perhaps Adnan wasn't totally useless, after all. Could *he* think of a way to get the guard's attention. No use trying to lure *him*, or it, away with the promise of a pretty girl, Emily thought grimly. She asked Adnan if he had any ideas. "Gee, I dunno! How about a fire?" he said, throwing his arms wide in a gesture of hopelessness. Emily had heard worse ideas. They could start a fire, plenty of smoke, in the laundry. Adnan could rush outside screaming for help, and the eunuch would have to come in. They could hit him with something, and make a break for it. "Can you start a fire? In there? In, say, five minutes?" "No problem. I'll get some linen piled up, and some waste paper. We've got dry-cleaning fluid will burn. I'll get on to it." And he ran inside the building. Men aren't completely useless, thought Emily, they just need careful direction. Back in the crowded van, where Piers and Candi were at it again like dogs in the street, Emily grabbed Frida by the shoulder. "Is the radio okay, still?" "I think so, but there's nobody listening out there." "Get it switched on, or whatever it is you do to it, then call what's their names. Mike and Charlie. They're out there somewhere. Quick, we're leaving in five minutes." Frida, glad of something to do that was less frustrating than watching the almost continuous love-making display, turned to the radio transmitter. She fiddled with it for a moment, then picked up the mike and called: "Hello Mike, Hello, Charlie, this is Fox, over." There was no sound, apart from another climactic sigh from Candi, relatively subdued. She must have been getting tired, doing it standing up. Frida called again. No reply. "It's no use, Em, they're not there." Tears welled in the girl's eyes. "We can't leave them, not Caro, not Mansoor!" "Keep calling, pet. We've got four minutes before Adnan sets the laundry on fire." Frida called again. By now, they were all listening for an answer, even Candi and Piers. Frida shook her head sadly and buried her face in her hands. "Keep calling!" snarled Emily, and Frida picked up the mike again. She called, called again and listened. Adnan's face appeared at the double doors and nodded, looking quizzically at Emily. She bit her lip, then nodded. "Light it!" she said. Adnan ducked back inside. Suddenly, Frida was staring at the radio loudspeaker, then looking around at the faces in the van. Abruptly, she grabbed the mike again and shouted into it. "Charlie? Charlie, this is Fox, say again?" A burst of noise. Then: "Fox, this is Charlie. We're on our way back! Hang on." Frida looked round at the others, tears flooding down her cheeks. Cinders threw her arms around her. Toots and Kitty slapped palms. The radio spoke again. "Fox, this is Charlie. We're trying to get Mansoor back. We found him in the corridor", Caro paused for a panting breath. "He's unconscious, out cold. Don't know what happened to him. We're trying to drag him back, but he's so heavy!" Emily seized the mike. "Caro, where are you now?" "Give us five minutes, we'll be back in the laundry." Then the first wisps of smoke drifted out of the laundry door, quickly building to a thick, choking cloud. Whatever Adnan was burning, it was certainly doing its job. "Oh, shit, Adnan, too soon", Emily wailed. She glanced forward toward the gates. Already, the guard was sniffing the air and looking round to see where the smoke was coming from. Then Emily was sent reeling backwards by a heavy body colliding with her. Toots had gone flying out of the back of the van, shoulder-charged Emily out of the way, and hurtled into the smoke-filled laundry, her vast breasts rebounding like a pair of puppies in a sack. Bull mastiff puppies. Emily recovered her balance and screeched after her, "Toots! Toots, come back, you crazy bugger, don't go back in there!" She shook her head in exasperation. "That stupid fuckin' kid! Toots! Hang on, pet, I'm coming with you!" The other girls squeaked in alarm as the escape plan fell apart around them. It was Candi who took over. "Frida, keep talking to them on that thing", she shouted, and Frida spun round to the radio and started yelling encouragement to Caro. "Caro, we're coming to help you! Toots and Emily are on their way. Keep going, Caro..." "Cinders, Piers, help me make some room in here. If they're bringing a body in, we'll need space to lay him down. Push all the baskets over there. Stack them up on top of one another." Cinders and Piers obeyed instantly, Cinders struggling with her swaying breasts, Piers with his renewed erection as his lover ordered him about so masterfully. Or mistressfully. Anyway, you didn't argue with a girl who weighed twenty stone! ********** Candi and Erica were on their last legs. Mansoor's dead weight slid easily across the marble floors, but it seemed to be uphill all the way. They kept colliding with the walls. Frida's voice on the radio was yelling encouragement, but it only seemed to make things worse, as if mocking their inability to drag Mansoor with them. They took a rest, panting heavily, looking at each other helplessly. Then round the corner came a little whirlwind, as Toots arrived, gasping for breath, everything in violent motion. She immediately grabbed at Mansoor's collar and started pulling. He hardly moved, and Toots squealed in frenzy. But the sheer energy of the little girl fired Caro and Erica. They grasped an arm each and heaved. They were on the move again. And Emily arrived, like the Fourth Cavalry, and without a word, yanked at Mansoor's arm. They worked up a head of steam, Mansoor now sliding across the polished marble as they scuttled along at a brisk trot. Round the corner into the laundry, and the smoke was billowing and choking. They couldn't see a yard in front of them. Caro and Erica, who didn't know about the cause of the fire, stopped pulling. Emily drove them on. "Don't worry, it's only some sheets Adnan's set on fire! Keep going. We're nearly there!" And they were, nearly there, as they rounded the bench and skidded to a halt. Mansoor's body had come to an abrupt stop, snagged on something - they couldn't see what - and the four girls, pulling hard, all let go their hold and pitched in a sprawling heap on the floor. They picked themselves up and crawled back through the smoke to find Mansoor again. Emily found him and waved to the others. "Stuck!" she gasped. "Help pull him free." They heaved and tugged, but he was stuck. Weeping with frustration, they tried, pulling Mansoor in several directions at once. At last, he moved! Adnan had appeared, joined them with a mighty heave, and Mansoor's body came free from whatever was holding him, and they saw Hassan's sandalled black feet sticking out from under the bench. "Leave him there, the bastard!" shouted Adnan, and the girls, who had no real plans to rescue Hassan anyway, hauled Mansoor away, through the double doors, bumping up into the back of the van, and into the open space Candi had cleared. Caro and Erica fell down exhausted. Emily drove herself for one last effort. She dragged herself back out of the van, rasping for breath, pointed to Adnan with a frenzied finger, then stood ready to hurl herself into the driver's seat. Adnan ran down the other side of the van, the passenger's side, and Emily heard him yelling to the guard on the gate. The eunuch, glad of something to occupy his mind, galloped forward to help, reached the back of the van and went slithering to the ground as he tripped over Toots, who had crouched in his path. Giggling, she finished the job with the jack handle. Emily hoped the girl hadn't killed him, but immediately she was otherwise occupied, squeezing into the driver's seat and fumbling for the ignition keys. Ahead, Adnan was opening one gate, then the other, then he waved her through and waited, ready to leap aboard as the van went through. Emily twisted the key, and the engine cranked uselessly. She tried again, and pumped the accelerator. Still nothing, and she screamed at the van to fuckin' well start, you greasy bastard! And it did. The engine caught, spluttered, and the revs soared mightily as Emily chonked it into gear and released the clutch. In the back, the girls clutched at each other, wild-eyed. There was no room at all in the van. The laundry baskets were piled at the front, the radio equipment and the sheer bulk of Candi, Cinders, Erica and Kitty, meant there was precious little room for Caro, Frida, Piers and the body of Mansoor on the floor. Toots was trying to get in, but there was no chance of getting her body inside, let alone her mountainous tits. Candi made her decision quietly and quickly. She leaped out, her rolls of fat shuddering. "In you get, Toots!" She kissed the little black girl and hoisted her into the van. She shouted across the crush of bodies. "Caro, I'm staying! There isn't room for me in there. You lot get away. Piers! Look after yourself, darling. You go. I'll have your babies here." "No!" wailed Piers and Caro together, and the other girls joined in, trying to make room in the back of the van, but Candi was so huge there was no way of getting her in there. "Caro! You'll come back for me? You promise?" She didn't wait for the answer. She slammed the back doors shut just as the van roared forward in a cloud of exhaust smoke, and hurtled straight at the gateway. She watched as it stopped briefly, and Adnan climbed into the cab; then it gave a couple of kangaroo leaps before screaming away down the road out of sight. Anxious faces watched her through the rear windows. Sobbing piteously, Candi turned and walked slowly into the laundry, where the fire was out and the smoke was thinning. In a dream, she walked down the corridor to her room - empty now - sat on her bed, still soaking wet with hers and Piers's combined juices, then rolled over, face downwards on the mattress, and cried her eyes out. Fatima found her lying there some time later, sat on the bed next to her, and cuddled the huge teenager to her capacious bosom. And Candi, neither knowing nor caring who her comforter was, snuggled closer. Eventually, her tears stopped, and she fell asleep, dreaming of Piers's babies. ********** Inside the swaying van, the girls were stunned into silence. They looked from one to another, seeking comfort in each other's frightened faces. They'd escaped. So, for the time being, at least, they were free. But they still had to get away. And they'd lost Candi. Chapter 24:- On Your Own I was in the sick-bay and the physician was bending over me, dabbing at my head with a damp wad of cotton wool. It hurt, and it stung like a scorpion where he was dabbing. I looked around. The faces of the orderlies and matrons were expressionless. Then a couple of them stepped aside, and I noticed the Pasha himself, standing impassionately, watching me. He stood for a while, then spoke, his soft voice carrying through the silence in the sick bay. "Hassan. I hope you make a speedy recovery. You will be displeased, I trust, to note that three of your new girls have disappeared from the premises. I am not entirely ecstatic myself. You will find out the facts. The facts, you understand? And you will report to me by the end of the day, without fail. I will be interested to hear your version of this debacle! Very interested!" Oh, shit! ********** Mansoor sat up, the girls making room for him. He took in the circle of faces, the roaring, swaying van, and closed his eyes again, a half-smile on his face. Caro smoothed his bruised forehead with her hand, and clutched his hand gently. "We're out, Mansoor. What's next?" He opened his eyes again. "Hello, Caro!" His voice was hoarse and weak. "Are we heading for the car?" Nobody knew anything. "Is everybody here?" Caro shook her head, her eyes full of tears. "We lost Candi. She said there wasn't room, and got out. We'll go back and get her, won't we, Mansoor? We will, won't we?" "Don't worry, Sis", Piers said, determinedly. "We'll go back all right!" ********** In the cab, Emily fought with the unfamiliar controls. Mercifully, it was still early, and the streets were not crowded, but passers-by stared at the rusty grey van screamed by in low gear, driven by a crazy-eyed European girl. "Turn right here", ordered Adnan, and the van bucked around yet another tight corner. "Down there, then on the left". They roared on, then Adnan slapped on the dashboard. "Here, here it is!" and they slithered to a halt beside a battered yellow Peugeot station wagon. Emily climbed out, dreading the prospect of driving yet another strange vehicle. Adnan joined her, then the back doors of the van opened, and Toots climbed out. "Can we all get in there" Emily asked, uncertainly. More and more girls were piling out of the van, standing in a ragged group, their great breasts all bouncing at different rates in the sunshine. It didn't look as if they could all get in. Mansoor had climbed out, holding his head. "You okay to drive, Emily?" he asked. "I'll take over in an hour". She smiled bravely. "I'll give it a go, but don't all shout at me. It was all right in the van, you were all out of the way in the back. Let's get in, then." Adnan had the doors of the Peugeot open, and they all squeezed themselves into the seats. Clearly, the size of the girls hadn't been taken into account. There was room for Kitty in the back row, with Frida. Piers crawled on to the floor beneath Frida's feet. Caro, Mansoor and Lucinda squashed themselves into the middle row, Adnan and Emily piled into the front with Toots between them, trying to hold her breasts away from the steering wheel. They ended up on Adnan's lap. He gazed at them in wonder, but without complaint. The diesel engine started first try, and throbbed noisily as Emily engaged first gear. She released the handbrake and made a smooth start for once. Then the engine laboured, and stalled. She tried again. The same thing happened. The car wouldn't move. "More revs", suggested Mansoor. Emily tried it, revving the engine to a scream. The car lurched forward, the steering wheel swinging from side to side, tearing itself out of Emily's hands, then it stalled again. Adnan jumped out, and threw his hands up in horror and frustration. "Back in the van", he shouted, waving his arms. "Get back in the van. We've got a puncture!" ********** This time, they piled straight into the van, without hesitation. The car had a flat front tyre, and there was no time to change the wheel; they had to get away from this town. Already, the alarm would have gone out from the harem; the place would be alive with locals on the alert for them, hoping for a fat reward from the Pasha. This time, they dragged the empty laundry baskets out and threw them into the road beside the useless Peugeot; it might delay any pursuers for a few vital seconds. It made more room in the back. Ironically, there would now have been room for Candi, but there was no turning back now. With a squeal of rubber, the H-Van bucketed forward and turned immediately left, down a side street. Adnan's local knowledge might gain them a head start. The one advantage they had, the Pasha's men would have no idea which way the fugitives would be heading. There were only two directions out of the town, but both led eventually to civilisation, in the form of a railway station with a passenger service. Mansoor's original plan had been to stay with the car and drive West, back towards police headquarters. It was risky, as the girls would by now have been reported missing from Zulfiqar's house, and Mansoor's absence could hardly have been a coincidence. Now, though, they were on the Eastern edge of the town, and Mansoor shouted to Adnan to carry on to the East. It was still early in the morning, so there could be no prospect of their being able to lie low; they would have to drive flat out for several hours, and every hour increased the odds on their being caught. They hit the tarmac road and headed toward the morning sun, now well up in the heavens and striking hot through the V-shaped windscreens. On and on they roared, but the van was all noise and no action. This was going to be a long trip. After an hour, Mansoor knocked on the bulkhead between the cab and the back of the van, and Emily, relieved, let it roll to a halt in the middle of the road. Exhausted and drained, she moved across into the passenger seat as Adnan clambered into the back, and Mansoor took the wheel. Then they were off again. ********** The girls lay on the floor at all angles, anywhere they could find the space to lie down. They had thrown all the bundles of clothing on the floor, but the rocking of the van on the uneven road made rest impossible. Caro sat up first, and Lucinda joined her against the side of the van. Frida and Erica wedged themselves in a front corner. Only Kitty and Toots remained on the floor, both lying on their backs with their breasts resting on the floor on either side of their bodies, rolling to left and right with every lurch and bounce of the van's suspension. They stopped once for fuel, but Mansoor insisted they all stayed inside, out of sight. They sat and sweated while the van was mercifully still for five minutes. Then it was back to the torture of the road once more. It must have been past midday when they slowed and came to a halt. Erica craned her neck to see ahead, and reported that they were in a line of stationary traffic. In front was a truck, they could see nothing ahead of that. Mansoor called over his shoulder, "Roadblock, keep your heads down", and the girls made themselves as small as possible. Every five minutes, they crawled forward another ten yards. There was nowhere to go except into the trap. Their minds wrestled with the problem, and came up with no answers. Had they come all this way only to get caught in a police roadblock? Who had organised it? Had Zulfiqar been told? Did headquarters know? Mansoor wouldn't even know the identity of the policemen on duty until the van was last but one in the queue. There were more people about now, on the outskirts of the town. Adnan recognised the town as something that sounded like Fatiq Halfar. From here, a railway ran to the coast, calling at Al Shafiz, which boasted an airport. Nothing much else, but an airport nevertheless. If only they could get there, they could find a phone and alert the authorities. Alert the world's press, the Lashmores. They could make themselves relatively safe from capture if they could get to Al Shafiz. But until they got through this roadblock, they couldn't even get to the station. Adnan crept to the bulkhead separating the van from the cab. He whispered something to Mansoor in rapid Arabic. Mansoor replied, obviously unhappy with Adnan's suggestion. The argument went on for ten minutes, while the van crept three spaces nearer. At last, the two men seemed to come to an agreement, Emily got out of the passenger seat, went round and climbed into the back. Adnan punched Mansoor lightly on the shoulder and turned to the girls. "Right", he said, and all their anxious faces looked up at him. "This is what we're going to do." ********** It was like a dressing-up party. The girls sorted through the piles of clothing and assorted laundry on the floor of the van, and draped themselves and each other in a glorious selection of finery. They worked quickly, layering on the clothes to disguise their extravagant development. By the time the van had shunted forward twice more, Mansoor shouted back to them that time was getting short. "Nearly ready", called Adnan. He checked the girls over one more time, and they stared critically round at each other. "Not perfect, but it will do, I think", he said. "When you get to the station, split up into twos and threes and don't talk to each other. Here! Some money for your tickets. Get tickets for the whole journey, not the airport. Not Al Shafiz, okay? Tickets for Jurba or Ghadish." He told them a few short words to help them at the ticket office. They repeated them like a litany until they had them more or less right. Adnan looked out of the back of the van. "Hang on. Is all clear. Go. Good luck!" The back doors swung open and the girls dismounted, giving minimal waves of farewell to Adnan and Piers, before splitting up into smaller groups, feeling desperately vulnerable and conspicuous. They joined the crowds thronging the footpaths, and walked as slowly as they dared, keeping their faces covered and their eyes downcast. They saw Adnan join Mansoor in the cab of the van, then deliberately walked away from their rescuers, down the hill toward the station. There were two more trucks waiting in line before the van reached the roadblock, which was manned by four bored-looking policemen. Bored-looking, but tiresomely efficient, peering under the sheets on the back of the trucks, overturning boxes, ransacking cabs. They seemed to be taking out their boredom on the undeserving public. ********** Caro walked ahead with Erica. They entered the crowded station building and followed the stream of travellers to the ticket office. The clerk was under pressure, issuing tickets as fast as he could. It was a relief to see that he never looked up at the passengers as they bought their tickets. He didn't even acknowledge their requests, simply punching a button and sliding the ticket to the window, while raking the money towards him with the other hand. They made their way to the far end of the coast-bound platform, where crowds were already gathered with the resignation of people who knew a train would be along in the next hour or two. The girls exchanged no more than a few muttered words, concentrating on being invisible. "Look", Caro muttered, "Frida's made it". Erica looked, and grunted in reply. Frida was with Lucinda. Both were heavily draped, Lucinda's bust hanging so low she could easily pass for a pregnant woman. Caro thought she saw her sister glance up in their direction, and she gave her a tiny nod of encouragement, then turned away to study a timetable. Kitty had the biggest problem, in every sense. Shrouded from head to foot in a voluminous black robe, she seemed to occupy half the width of the platform. She could only walk slowly, and Toots, who was with her, was pretending to be an attentive child servant, holding Kitty's arm. The difficulty was that Toots herself was attracting unwelcome attention. Her figure defied all attempts at disguise. Being no more than four feet tall, and so skinny, her outlandish breasts looked exactly that. The other girls hadn't even managed to make her look convincingly pregnant. Lustful glances were aimed at her from every direction. Emily, who had been walking alone, several paces behind the pair of them, decided to move in and form a group, to try and divert some of the attention from Toots. She took Kitty's other arm, which eased her progress a little, and the three of them made their way to a pile of crates, where Kitty and Toots sat down while Emily bought three tickets. As she made her way back, she found a number of youths staring openly at Toots, and the young girl was beginning to look stressed. Shit, that's all we need, she thought. She walked straight up to Toots, grabbed her arm and pulled her roughly to her feet. She shook her roughly, praying that the kid's disguise wouldn't fall off. Toots's eyes widened for a moment, then she grabbed her voluminous clothing around her and threw herself into her part, whimpering in fear before bursting into tears so convincingly that Emily thought she had really hurt her. The youths melted away, and there were signs among the passengers that the train was on its way. Bags were being picked up, rucksacks shouldered, excited cries exchanged and children smacked in preparation for the journey. Emily and Toots helped Kitty to her feet, and they gratefully joined the expectant crowds looking up the line. Chapter 25:- Caro, Phone Home The train was hot and dusty. Crowds of travellers stood in the corridors and in the central aisles. There was no thought of the girls obtaining a seat. The train had been full when it arrived, and hardly anyone had got off. It seemed to bulge to accommodate the press of new passengers, and they all got on somehow. At least, the crowds would make it extremely unlikely that a ticket inspector would attempt to check tickets. It would take hours just to get from one end of the train to the other. For the most part, the passengers seemed lethargic, not interested in each other. Even Kitty and Toots failed to draw more than a passing flash of interest. Kitty had been offered a chance to sit on a suitcase, and she had gratefully perched her bottom on it, her breasts resting on the floor beside her feet. Toots squatted beside her, trying to look inconspicuous. At last, a movement among the passengers suggested that a number of them were making ready to get off at the next station. More and more people were abandoning their seats, pulling luggage down from overhead racks and making their way toward the doors. The vacated seats were immediately filled. The effect was a sort of silent version of musical chairs. The train was slowing, clattering and swaying over intersecting tracks at the approach to an obviously important station. At various points along the length of the train, the girls looked at each other, and prepared to leave. They were all thinking about the others, hoping they remembered Adnan's directions. Then they were hanging on to anything they could reach as the train groaned and ground to a halt. Doors were flung open, and half the population of the country was pouring out, milling around on the sandy station concourse, looking for friends and family, sorting out baggage. A jet took off and whistled low overhead, drowning even the bustle of the train as it prepared to leave in a climax of slamming doors, waving flags and shrilling whistles. By the time the airliner had roared into the distance, the train was on the move with a great roar of diesels, and gathering pace as it clattered away to the North. Again, still keeping apart, the girls made their way into the terminal. It was a low-roofed building, crammed with sweating humanity, but they felt safer in there than out in the open. They now had two hours to wait before the next train arrived, the train bringing Mansoor and Adnan. For Caro, there was one more task. She had to find a telephone. ********** Dawn Lashmore watered the flower beds like a robot, refilling the watering can two or three times. The more times she had to refill the can and carry it outside, the more she liked it. When this job was over, she would have to think again, and the thoughts would be like barbs piercing her flesh. Janet Freshwater would be round at ten, and they would drink coffee, and talk. And there would be the unspoken accusation, and the guilt, that she had been so negligent as to let Candi be kidnapped as well as her own entire family. She emptied the watering can and trudged into the house. Basil was in the study, on the phone. She knew he was only keeping himself busy, and making endless phone calls was his pointless way of doing it. Since the Lashmores had returned to East Longshott Down, there had been no word from the Embassy. It had been ten days since they had returned home, a fortnight since the kidnap. Even in the silly season, the newspapers couldn't find anything more to say about four missing kids after two weeks. The television crews had packed their lights and cameras and driven off in their Volvos. The daily call from the local newspaper reporter had become a hollow ritual. Dawn went into the kitchen and filled the kettle. It would be worse for Janet Freshwater, she thought, she was all alone without Candi. She had been very close to her daughter. The two of them could have been sisters. Oh, God, what a filthy mess! She heard the phone slam down and Basil banging out of the back door into the garden. She'd take her coffee into the garden, and a mug for Basil, too. When Janet arrived, they would all sit out there together. The sun was nice and hot, it didn't look like rain. Would it be hot and dry where Caro and Lucinda and Piers were right now? ********** Caro put the phone down again. Three times now she had tried the number, and it was always engaged. It was difficult enough understanding the unfamiliar foreign tones and sounds on the telephone, without getting an engaged signal when she finally got through to home. If it was engaged, they must be there. Or were they? Were they still in the South of France, waiting for news. After two weeks? Why was the phone engaged. Had it not been put back on the hook before they went on holiday? It was a nightmare. She rejoined Erica, and shook her head. Then it was Erica's turn to try the phone. ********** Adnan waited by the ticket office with Piers. The boy was silent and gloomy, and had said nothing since they had left the van. They had dressed him in some black baggy trousers and a loose white shirt. A headdress covered his blond hair, but they had been forced to cover his pale skin with dust. It was not a disguise that would pass close scrutiny. Adnan grunted with relief as Mansoor charged into the station. He waved to the policeman and they headed for the platform, converging at the ticket inspector's gate. A train was already pulling in as they panted on to the platform. Just before the van had reached the roadblock, Adnan had got out with Piers and they had melted into the crowds. Mansoor flashed his police badge, causing confusion amongst the policemen searching the vehicles. They had been briefed to look for a van or truck, or even a yellow Peugeot. Why they had been told to look out for the Peugeot was anyone's guess; it had already been found, abandoned with a puncture. The description of the van was incredibly vague, despite the eunuch having stared at it for the best part of an hour. Hassan had not been asked for a description of the van until almost midday, and he thought it might have been a light blue Renault. Mansoor gesticulated to the search team, and indicated that he would park the van over the way, and come back to give them a hand getting the traffic moving. "It's backed up five kilometres", he told them, and noticed a look of satisfaction creep over their dumb faces. But they'd let him move the van away, unsearched, and he had hidden the radios and carefully locked it, before slipping away into the crowds. Mansoor had a number of calls to make, to cover his tracks. He alerted police headquarters that a grey Citroen van 'full of girls' had been spotted 250 kilometres to the West. Another call in a disguised voice said the van had been seen heading for the coast. Finally, he had to run to the station, and arrived in the nick of time. ********** Janet Freshwater had just arrived, and was passing the back door when the phone rang. "Shall I get that, Dawn?" she called. "Oh, thanks, Jan, it'll probably be the local paper again. He always calls at this time." ********** Caro listened, the receiver sweaty against her ear. Clicks and purring noises echoed down the line. She imagined the living room, the sun through the curtains as this time of the day, it would be mid morning back home. Daddy would be at work. Mum would be ... Or would they? What did people do when their families were kidnapped as sex-slaves. Click. Brrr. Brrr-brrr. Brrr-brrr. Brrr-brrr. Brrr-brrr. It was ringing! Caro gulped. Her throat was dry. What was she going to say? "Hello, Longshott 235368?" A strange voice. A woman. Who could it be? "Is that the Lashmore's house?" "Yes, this is the Lashmore residence." "This is Caro. Carolyn Lashmore, can I speak to my ..." "Caro! Hold on. Where are you? Are you all right? I'll get your mother. This is Janet Freshwater. Is Candi with you?" Caro burst into tears. To get through at last, and it was Candi's mum. What could she say to her? The man on the phone in the next alcove was looking at her strangely as she stood there, unable to say a word into the receiver, tears pouring down her face. "...Hello? Caro, you still there? Is Candi..." "No, she's not! I'll explain. Is Mum there. Please!" she pleaded, and fresh tears flooded out as she heard her mother's voice. "Caro! You're alive! Where are you? Is Lucinda okay? What about Piers?" "Mum, they're with us. At least, Piers is following on the next train. He'll be here in an hour with Mansoor and Adnan. I'm here with Cinders, and Kitty. And Erica, Emily, Frida and Toots. We're all alive." "Who? Who are all these people?" There was a brief burst of whispering and Caro heard a hand being put over the mouthpiece. "Is Candi there? Where ARE you?" "We're at Al Shafiz. Look it up. I don't ..." "Caro, this is no time for guessing games! Who is this Al Shaffey? Where's he ...? Where *are* you?" "I don't know", she wailed, and spoke more quietly as the man next door stared again, "I don't know even which country we're in ... hang on ... she frantically fed coins into the slot ... "still there? Which country or anything. North Africa? Al Shafiz. At the airport. Oh, God! Please! Tell Dad. Look it up. That's all I KNOW!" "Darling! What about Candi? Her Mother wants to know." "Oh, Mum! We had to leave her behind when we escaped. She was too big to go in the van! She volunteered to stay. She's still in there ..." "In where?" "In the harem!" "The HAREM!" and Caro heard a scream in the background at the other end of the line. Then the money ran out. ********** They leaned against the door of the train, still panting as the diesels throbbed and the wheels clattered over the joints in the track. The next problem was to get them all out of the country. Piers and the girls had no passports, no proof of identity at all. They could try to phone home, but they might be unsuccessful. Adnan had no papers, so he was going to have problems. Mansoor had his passport, ironically, he was the only one who didn't *need* to get away. At least, at the airport, they were in such a public place that any pursuers would be at a disadvantage. And they had the telephones to the outside world. It was better, thought Mansoor than, what would Emily have called it? A poke in the eye with a sharp stick? These crazy European girls. He was going to miss them. Part VIII has been posted at the same time as this episode.