Estabrooks (1943) Authoritarian Induction 1. Close Eyes -- Talk Sleep "Close your eyes. You are falling asleep -- sound asleep. Relax all your muscles and imagine you are falling asleep, going into a deep sleep. Deeper & deeper and deeper (etc). You will stay asleep until I tell you & you will always feel fine as a result of these suggestions. You are falling sound, sound asleep. Deeper & deeper & deeper & deeper. (Cont 5 mins) 2. Eyelids Locked Closed "Now, listen to me. Your eyelids are locked tightly together, and you will find it quite amusing to discover that your eyes are locked tight, tight, tight together. Your eyelids are locked tightly together and you cannot open your eyes no matter how hard you try, and really try, the tighter they become. And you might care to try, go ahead, I dare you to try and find with some amusement that you cannot." Between each segment, Relaxation: "Now relax everything. Relax your ___________. They are returning to normal, and you are sound asleep. Sound, sound asleep, and will sleep untll I tell you. Then you will awaken quietly and easily, until then, just relax everything and sleep, sleep, sleep." 3. Stiff Arms OK, time for our next test. Your right arm, right where it is (describe) is becoming stiff & rigid, rigid & stiff. Stiff & rigid. You cannot bend your right arm. It's as if it was an iron bar, solid, rigid, and stiff. It is impossible to bend your right arm's so stiff. I dare you to fid with some amusement you cannot." (Then, relaxation.) 4. Weak Legs "Now, notice your body is floating away, floating away, floating away. And you may discover with some delight that you cannot control your muscles in your legs, you are so relaxed, now. And where were you born? Do you remember? Remember! Now, like then, are stuck where you are, and you legs won't work, too relaxed. It is impossible for you to even try to stand up, too relaxed. And the harder you may try, the more relax(ed) your legs. You are just stuck there in th chair. You may try, and really try, I dare you." (Then, relaxation.) 5. Automatic Movement "Now listen carefully, more fun. I am about to stary your hands rotating (establish catelepsy). Now, here they go (start rotating). Here they go, round and around. Faster & faster. Keep them moving. They are rotating faster & faster, faster & faster. You just might find with some delight you cannot stop them. You cannot stop, no matter ho hard you try, the harder you try the faste they go around and around." (then, relaxation.) 6. Talking in Your Sleep "Now, I want you to dream, and dream of talking in your sleep. Everyone knows of someone or yourself who talked in your sleep. So sleep and hav that dream, and now I am going to ask you a few simple questiona, adn you will remain asleep in a dream, adn dream you answer me in your sleep talking in your sleep as you have seen poeple talk in your sleep. Soon I'm going to ask a question you will find easy to answer, ok here it is: Ask: What is your name? What is your address? Do you have any broths or sisters? (Avoid emotional questions) (Then, relaxation, "and continue to dream.") 7. Sleep Walking "In a moment you will stand up. I will help yo. You will remain asleep as you stand up, as if you were in a dream. You have seen sleepwalkers. You will find it easy (help subject) to sand up. Go ahead, stand up. Walk. You are,finding it to use your leg muscles as you remain deeply asleep. Just stand up." (Then, reaxation.) 8. Visual Hallucinations "Now, listen carefully. In a moment I want you to awaken from the neck up only. When you're ready, just open your eyes. Open them now, and remain deeply asleep. You are still dreaming, & I want you to dream of this tennis ball. Open your eyes and look at the tennis ball in my hand. What color is it?" Throw it up -- see if subject follows the ball. Give ball to subject. 9. Bring Them Out (Remove all suggestions -- "Any and all suggstions about this tranceand the related phenomina are hereby removed.")