Central Environment Ministry

Todja 275692 Micro climate Study

Sample data accumulated by various government sources over a period of 50 years have pointed to a significantly unique micro climate in the Todja area. Samples show that in the area denoted as 275692, the daytime average high is 8.1 degrees above the mean for the area. Nighttime average temperatures have a mean value of 7.4 degrees above normal. This significant deviation is historically attributed to localized seismic activity. A recent infrared satellite survey indicates numerous "hot spots"; although, a coordinated effort with a ground survey team failed to verify this. It is also worth noting that confirmation of the data has met with extreme difficulties. Plagued by instrument and other equipment failures, the field researchers were repeatedly forced to abandon this part of the sampling program.

Until conclusive conformation is achieved, the historical data, gathered automatically by military and security divisions must be considered suspect. Unfortunately, the funding for further expeditions to the area has disappeared. Further investigation of this matter has been officially put on hold until a more complete cost / justification analysis is completed.

File: 5694
Ref: 3
Operator: 78