Rational Anarchy Publishing-1993 Lazarus Long Lazarusl@vaxxine.com The Rational Anarchist in Today's Economy In the economic system of today's society the person who does not leave a paper trail, of credit cards and cheques, is a rare Avis indeed. If one examines that individual's behavior, one will notice that he fits the definition of the RATIONAL ANARCHIST. By leaving no paper trail, the rational anarchist makes it difficult for officialdom to notice him, and that is precisely the aim of the rational anarchist. For, by being invisible to the system, he can be free to live and to enhance the ease that he twists the tail of the state. The mechanics of his invisibility are simple, as befits his principles, but effective. He does not use credit and seldom uses cheques for purchases or services. He also avoids the mainstream economy by doing as much of his business in the underground economy as possible. He will use the barter system as a preference to cash and cash if he has to, but avoids all attempts to having his transaction on paper. The avoidance of credit enables the anarchist to blend into the background but total avoidance of the mainstream economy draws even more attention than total participation. The rational anarchist is well advised to have some visible means of support preferably in a low or medium income job that allows some flexibility in working hours. This will satisfy the state that he is just another harmless drone while allowing him time to earn undocumented income in the green market of the underground. By doing this he keeps the taxable income to a minimum and avoids the paper trail of tax shelters, retirement funds and the like. The Rational Anarchist tries to use different forms of identification and tries to have at least three different names with which to make his transactions. One piece of identification should be reserved for his aboveground employment and for any official contact with the State and its functionaries. Two different names with separate addresses should be used for his underground market activities. These should have separate addresses that will result in any tracing attempts leading to forwarding addresses. The anarchist should, if possible, retain a fourth identity that is used only if he has suddenly to become an unperson. This is unlikely to be needed in today's political climate but may be needed if there is a further shift to the left or a reactionary swing to the far right in the future. In both cases the government, either a paternalistic socialist/communist government or a militarist- -fascist dictatorship, would take harsh action against the rational anarchist who by his very existence is a threat to the stability of the government. The rational anarchist's best warning system is attention to public attitudes and opinions. The anarchist should be aware that shifts in the opinion of the public will precede action by the state from six months to two years, giving ample time to the rational anarchist to adjust his public posture to remain invisible or to make the necessary adjustments to his economic position. The rational anarchist should make use of the electronic media as well as the press to keep abreast of the government's official posture. He should also make use of the on-line services to monitor the financial press, as they often can provide an early warning to upcoming shifts in government policy that is hidden behind the public mask. The rational anarchist should always maintain a safe location that he can flee to with his new identity if he is forced to become an unperson. This safehouse does no necessarily mean that he purchase two homes, although, if one has the resources, it would be nice. He should, however, endeavour to not be dependent on fleeing to the safety of friends. Doing so puts his life and liberty in the hands of others and even if his friends are steadfastly loyal, it puts them at risk of official notice. {page|1}