This is the Bibliography from the book,
The Flags of Canada, by Alistair B. Fraser.
This work is copyrighted. All rights reserved.



These are a number of the books, pamphlets and articles which proved particularly useful in assembling the story of the flags of the Canadian nation. They are arranged chronologically as this provides the most information as to the range of material that each discusses.

Anonymous1871"The Provincial Arms and the Dominion Flags" Canadian Illustrated News (Montréal: May 6, 1871), pp. 280-81.

Denison, George T.1890Raise the Flag (Toronto: self, 1890).

Hulme, F. Edwardc. 1893Flags of the World (London: Frederick Warne, 1893), 178 pp.

Campbell, Colin1894"The Flag of our Country" Canadian Almanac (Toronto: Copp, Clark, 1894), pp. 195-204.

Campbell, Colin1895"The Imperial and Canadian Flags" Canadian Almanac (Toronto: Copp, Clark, 1895), pp. 214-17.

Fleming, Sandford1895"The Canadian Flag: proposal for The Meteor Flag of the Dominion" The Week (May 31, 1895), cover, p. 639.

Chadwick, E.M.1896"The Canadian Flag" Canadian Almanac (Toronto: Copp, Clark, 1896), pp. 227-28, 233.

Cumberland, Barlow1897The Story of the Union Jack (Toronto: William Briggs, 1897), 231 pp. Revised as the History of the Union Jack (1900), 324 pp. Revised again as the History of the Union Jack and the Flags of the Empire (1909), 320 pp.

(Un Compatriote)1903Aux Canadiens-français: notre drapeau (St. Hyacinthe: Impr. La Tribune, 1903), 23 pp.

Baillargé, F.A. ptre.1904Le drapeau canadien-français: nos raisons (Montréal: Chez Granger, 1904), 48 pp.

Comité de Québec1904Le Drapeau National des Canadiens Français, un choix légitime et populaire (Québec: 1904), 309 pp.

(Un Patriote)c. 1904Carillon! Carillon!: le drapeau national des Canadiens-français (c. 1904), 50 pp.

Wright, W.J.1904Our Flag, What it Means (Brockville: self, 1904), 54 pp.

Ewart, John Skirving1907"The Canadian Flag" The Canadian Magazine, 30, 1 (1907), pp. 332-35. Reprinted in The Kingdom of Canada and Other Essays (Toronto: Morang, 1907), pp. 65-71.

Pope, Joseph1907The Flag of Canada (Ottawa: self, 1907), 12 pp. Second edition (1912), 16 pp.

Ewart, John Skirving1907Sir John A. Macdonald and the Canadian Flag (Ottawa: self, 1907), 13 pp.

Wade, F.C.1908The Canadian flag and Our Schools (Vancouver: self, 1908), 14 pp.

Gordon, W.J.1915Flags of the World (London: Frederick Warne, 1915), 256 pp. Reprinted (1918), 256 pp. and with supplement (1924), (1926), with revised supplement (1928), 265 pp.; revised again (1930), 265 pp.

Rothery, Guy Cadogan1915ABC of Heraldry (London: Stanley Paul, 1915), 359 pp.

Band, Charles P.
& Emilie L. Stovel
1916Our flag and coat of arms (Toronto: Mussen, 1916), 50 pp. Reduced and updated as Our Flag (1919), 36 pp; and (1925), 39 pp.

McCandless, Byron
& Gilbert Grosvenor
1917Flags of the World (Washington: National Geographic Society, 1917), 420 pp. Also as a magazine issue (Nov).

Anonymous1918For Freedom and the Right (Montreal: The Montreal Daily Star - Family Herald and Weekly Star, 1918), 24 pp.

Blondel, Edouard1920"Les drapeaux canadiens" La Presse (1920 April 10), pp. 1, 8.

Perrin, W.G.1922British Flags (London: Cambridge, 1922), 207 pp.

Snider, C.H.J.1923The Glorious "Shannon's" Old Blue Duster and other Faded Flags of Fadeless Fame (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1923), 430 pp.

Anonymousc. 1923Our Flag (Regina: Minister of Education for the Province of Saskatchewan, c. 1923), 32 pp.

Clark, Cumberland1926The Flag of England, its History and the Flags of the Empire (London: self, 1926), 75 pp.

Anonymous1926"The National Flag Contest" La Presse (Montréal, May 26, 1926), an editorial and an illustration.

Archambault, R.P.(S.J.)1928Le Drapeau canadien-français (Montréal: L'Oeuvre des Tracts, No. 112, 1928), 16 pp.

Magnan, Hormisdas1929Cinquantenaire de notre hymne nationale "O Canada, terre de nos aïeux." Les origines de nos drapeaux et chants nationaux armoiries, emblèmes, devises (Québec, 1929), 72 pp.

Mitchell, J.F.1929Proposed Design for Canadian Flag (Winnipeg: self, 1929), 15 pp.

Wheeler-Holohan, V.1933A Manual of Flags (London: Frederick Warne, 1933), 294 pp. Also Flags of the World: Past and Present (1939), 246 pp.

Grosvenor, Gilbert
& William Showalter
1934"Flags of the World" National Geographic Magazine, LXVI, 3 (1934 September), pp. 338-96.

McDonagh, Frank G.J.1937A Canadian Flag for Canada (Toronto: self, 1937), 6 pp.

Magnan, Charles Joseph1939Le Carillon-Sacré-Coeur: Drapeau national des Canadiens français (Québec: L'Action Catholique, 1939), 44 pp.

Anonymous1941Flags of Empire (Toronto & Montreal: Maple Leaf Milling, 1941), 8 pp.

Norris, Leonard1943"The Wrong Flag" The tenth Report of the Society of Vernon, British Columbia (Vernon: Society of Vernon, 1943), pp. 9-15.

Anonymousc. 1943Pour un Drapeau National-- For a National Flag (Québec: Ligue du Drapeau National, c. 1943), 20 pp.

Achard, EugIne1944L'Histoire du Drapeau Canadien (Montréal: Librairie Générale Canadienne, 1944), 50 pp.

Holmes, Charles E.1945Et le notre? La question d'un drapeau national (Montréal: G. Ducharme, 1945), 40 pp.

Ewart, T. Seaton1947A Flag for Canada: Principles of Design (Ottawa: self, 1947), 19 pp.

Carr, H. Gresham1953Flags of the World (London: Frederick Warne, 1953), 209 pp. Revised editions: (1956), 286 pp., (1961), 329 pp.

Fournier, Rodolphe1953"Historique du Fleurdelisé" Le Manuel des Sociétés Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Québec: Fédération des S.S.J.B. du Québec, 1953), pp. 87-90.

Anonymous1957Does Canada need a new flag? (Toronto: British-Isreal-World Federation, 1957), 20 pp. Reprinted (1958).

Kannik, Preben1957The Flag Book (N.Y.: M. Barrows, 1957), 196 pp.

Craig, Irene1958Flags and Formalities (Toronto: W.J.Gage, 1958), 104 pp.

Gibson, James A.1958"Flags and Arms," Encyclopedia Canadiana, Vol. 4 (Ottawa: Canadiana, 1958, 1960), pp. 168-170.

Evans, I.O.1959The Observer's Book of Flags (London: Frederick Warne, 1959), 208 pp. Revised editions published 1963, 1966, 1971, and 1975.

Wemp, R.E.1959Our Flag, its origin, history, symbolism, & significance (Toronto: British-Isreal-World Federation, 1959), 32 pp. Second edition (1961), 24 pp.

Campbell, Gordon
& I.O. Evans
1960The Book of Flags (London: Oxford University, 1960), 116 pp.

McKechnie, R.E.1961Canadian yacht Flags and Ensigns (Vancouver: self, 1961), 32 pp.

Biron, Luc-André1962Le Drapeau canadien (Montréal: Les Éditions de L'Homme, 1962), 96 pp.

Labarre, Jean-Guy1962Non au Drapeau canadien (Montréal: Les Éditions Actualité, 1962), 145 pp.

Willis, Ronald E.1962Historical Flags of Canada Illustrations by Richard D. Foster. A manuscript in the Public Archives of Canada, Call Number: Willis papers (M.G.31.D32) dated Oct 2, 1972, 41 pp., 22 pl.

Anonymous1964Canada's Flag: keep it flying (Toronto: Canadian Patriotic Association, 1964), 7 pp.

Creighton, et al1964"Canada's National Symbols: an appeal to Mr. Pearson" The Canadian Forum (June 1964), p. 54.

Pearson, Lester Bowles1964A distinctive flag which will say to the world and to the future: I stand for Canada! (Ottawa: Liberal Federation of Canada, 1964), 10 pp.

Roy, Raoul1965Pour un drapeau indépendantiste (Montréal: Éditions du Franc-Canada, 1965), 216 pp.

Stanley, George F.G.1965The Story of Canada's Flag (Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1965), 96 pp.

Anonymousc. 1967Floral emblems, coats of arms and flags of Canada, the provinces and territories (Toronto: Toronto-Dominion Bank, c. 1967), 13 pp.

Fraser, Blair1967"The Great Flag Debate: Maple Leaf Rampant" The Search For Identity (Toronto: Doubleday, 1967), pp. 234-47.

Buchingham, N.A.1968"Canadian Forces Ensign and Naval Jack" Heraldry in Canada, VII, 1 (1968).

Newman, Peter C.1968"The Great Flag Debate" The Distemper of our Times (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1968), pp. 254-63.

Stursberg, Peter1968"A Flag for All" Lester Pearson and the Dream of Unity (Toronto: Doubleday, 1968), p. 152-74.

Smith, Whitney1970The Flag Book of the United States (New York: Morrow, 1970), 306 pp. Revised (1975).

Evans, I.O.1970Flags of the World (London: Grosset & Dunlap, 1970), also (New York: Bantam 1971), 159 pp.

Reeves-Morache, Madam1971"Doux visage de la canadienne d'autrefois" Québec Histoire, 1, 3-4 (1971), pp. 88-95.

Styring, John S.1971Brown's Flags and Funnels (Glasgow: Brown, Son and Ferguson, 1971), 56 pp.

Chartrand, René1972"Les Drapeaux des Régiments français en Nouvelle-France (1755-1763)" Heraldry in Canada, VI, 3 (1972 September), pp. 4-9.

O'Neill, Paul1972"The Story of Newfoundland's native flag" The Flag Bulletin, XV, 6 (1972), pp. 184-98.

Smith, Whitney1975The Historic Flags of Canada (The Franklin Mint Canada, Ltd., 1975)

Smith, Whitney1975Flags through the ages and across the world (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975), 358 pp.

Chartrand, Réne1976"The flags of New France" The Flag Bulletin, XVI, 1 (1976), pp. 13-21.

Watt, R.D.1976"A Polar Bear Passant" Heraldry in Canada, X (1976), pp. 11-12.

Diefenbaker, John G.1977One Canada (Toronto: Macmillan, 1977), see pp. 221-6.

Swan, Conrad1977Canada: Symbols of Sovereignty (Toronto: University of Toronto, 1977), 272 pp.

Wise, Terence1977Military flags of the world: 1618-1900 (New York: Arco, 1977), 184 pp.

Archambault, Jacques
& Eugénie Lévesque
1978Le drapeau québécois (Québec: Éditeur officiel du Québec, 1978), 96 pp.

Paulette, Claude1978Mon Drapeau (Québec: Éditeur officiel du Québec, 1978), 15 pp. (extract of Le drapeau québécois )

Barraclough, E.M.C.
&W.G. Crampton
1978Flags of the World (London: Frederick Warne, 1978), 250 pp.

Swinscoe, A.1978The British Flag (Glasgow: Brown, Son & Ferguson, 1978), 20 pp.

Rogers, David1978"A Flag for the Empire" The Flag Bulletin, XVII, 5 (1978), pp.158-60.

Crampton, William1979The New Observer's Book of Flags (London: Frederick Warne, 1979), 190 pp. Revised edition published in 1984.

Roberts, Richard1979"An interesting Porcelain Plate" Heraldry in Canada, XIII, 3 (1979), pp. 8-10.

Anonymous1979National Flag of Canada CAN2-98.1-M79, (Ottawa: Canadian Government Specifications Board, 1979), 30 pp.

Diceman, Harold1980Modern Canadian Military Flags. The Flag Bulletin, XIX,3-5 (1980), pp. 127-138.

Matheson, John Ross1980Canada's Flag: A Search for a Country (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1980), 267 pp. Extended and republished (Belleville, Ontario: Mika, 1986), 280 pp.

Russell, E.C.1980Customs and Traditions of the Canadian Armed Forces (Ottawa: Deneau, 1980), 265 pp.

Spence, D. Ralph1980"An Outline History of Canada's Flags" The Flag Bulletin, XIX, 3-5 (1980), pp. 319-327.

Vachon, Auguste1980"Le Red Ensign au Canada" Heraldry in Canada, XIV, 3 (1980), pp. 2-10. Also published in English as "The Glorious Red Ensign" Canadian Collector (1981 July/August), pp. 41-44.

Vachon, Auguste1981"Les drapeaux oubliés" Heraldry in Canada, XV, 2 (1981), pp. 12-23.

Graffen, Fred1982"British Flags Presented to the Indians" The Flag Bulletin, XXI, 5/96 (1982), pp. 153-64.

Maier, C.R.1982"The Yukon Coat of Arms" Heraldry in Canada, XVI: 3 (1982), pp. 9-13.

Roberts, Richard1983"An interesting Porcelain Plate -2" Heraldry in Canada, XVII, 3 (1983), pp. 4-7.

Arbuckle, Graeme1984Customs and Traditions of the Canadian Navy (Halifax: Nimbus, 1984), 179 pp.

Beaudoin, Francois1984"Flags of Quebec" The Flag Bulletin, XXIII, 5 (1984), pp. 149-63.

Matheson, John Ross1984"Our Flag--Rooted in History" My Canada (Toronto: Irwin, Cownan, ed., 1984), pp. 142-45.

Gutzeman, W.L.1985The Canadian Post Card Handbook (Toronto: The Unitide Press, 1985), 138 pp.

Fraser, Alistair B.1986"Chadwick and the Canadian Red Ensign," North American Vexillological Society (NAVA) Congress XX, Trenton, N.J., 1986 October.

Wilson, Timothy1986Flags at Sea (London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1986), 127 pp.

Racette, Calvin1987Flags of the Métis (Regina: Gabriel Dumont Institute, 1987), 34 pp.

Anonymous1988Flags, Ensigns, Colours, Pennants and Honours for the Canadian Forces A-AD-200-000/AG-000 (Ottawa: Department of National Defence. 1980). An earlier edition appeared in 1980.

Spragge, George W.1988"The Rebel Banner of 1837" Ontario History, LXXX, 1 (Ontario Historical Society, 1988).

Vachon, Auguste1988"Flags of Canada: an historical overview" The Flag Bulletin, XXVII, 3, 126 (1988), pp. 88-102. Originally presented in 1981 in Ottawa at the 9th International Congress of Vexillology.

Matheson, John Ross 1990"Birth of a flag" The Archivist, 17, 1, pp. 2­7.

Vachon, Auguste1990"Choosing a national flag" The Archivist, 17, 1, pp. 8­10.

Vachon, Auguste1990"The Royal Mark of New France" The Archivist, 17, 1, pp. 11­13.

North, Susan1990"The Great Debate" The Archivist, 17, 1, pp. 14­15.

Grace, John1990"Conserving the Proclamation of the Canadian Flag" The Archivist, 17, 1, pp. 16­17.

Whalen, James M.1990"Canada's flag: Minority designs unfurled" The Archivist, 17, 1, pp. 18­20.

Atkinson, Edward1990"The Governor General's Flag" The Archivist, 17, 1, pp. 22­23.

Weston, Julia M.1990"The Maple Leaf Forever" The New Federation, 2, 1, pp. 27­28.

Davidson, J.A.1990"Standing on Guard for Thee" The Beaver, 70, 3, pp. 14­20.

Fraser, Alistair B.1991"A Canadian Flag for Canada" Journal of Canadian Studies, 25, 4, pp. 64-80.

D. Peter MacLeod
&C. Michel Boucher
1993"The Drapeau de Carillon, History and Legend," The Flag Bulletin,, XXXII, 2, p. 66-87.

Secretary of State1921The Arms of Canada: 1921, 14 pp. Although published without attribution, the pamphlet was drafted by Lt.-Col. F.G. Hamilton of the R.C.M.P. It was republished in 1923.

c. 1965Royal Proclamation of the National Flag of Canada Facsimile size 24" x 19.25"

1966The National Flag of Canada (Ottawa: Queen's Printer) 14 pp.

1967The Arms, Flags and Floral Emblems of Canada (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1967), 80 pp.

1978The Arms, Flags and Emblems of Canada (Ottawa: Deneau and Greenberg, 1978), 86 pp.

1978General rules for flying and displaying the Canadian flag and other flags in Canada reprinted from above (1978).

1981The Arms, Flags and Emblems of Canada 2nd (revised) ed. (Ottawa: Deneau, 1981), 112 pp.

c. 1985The Canadian Flag: reference material / Le drapeau canadien: dossier documentaire 9 pp.

1986Canadian Symbols Kit 28 leaves.


This is the Bibliography from the book,
The Flags of Canada, by Alistair B. Fraser.
This work is copyrighted. All rights reserved.


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