
Al Tekst Guan Babel Lok

1. Dan zai mina dunia gou es un lingua dan ren gou hablar al onajidono kalima men.

2. Dan gou es dotoki tamen zhe viajar tsong Qedem li shark wa, le halyar un chapta lok li Shinar land, dan kai habitar soko.

3. Dan ren decir mei wa: "Haku! Women yao hacer ba brik men, dan kwemar wu cheng sakta." Dan gei tamen brik gou es al peter, dan argil gou es al mortar.

4. Dan tamen gou decir wa: "Haku! Women yao konstruir ba gei ji un urb dan un turm gen kefal li celest, dan women yao hacer ba gei ji un famozi nomin, agar women bu shou disipar heng al face de al mina dunia."

5. Dan Yahaveh venir dao ai agar ver al urb dan al turm, o dono al mtoto men de ren le konstruir.

6. Dan Yahaveh decir wa: "Riki, un nacion, dan ha un lingua gei mina tamen, dan o kore tamen kai hacer. Dan kotoki sore yao shou es prevenido hacer minadore o dore tamen yao konspirar hacer.

7. Haku, wo yao venir dao ai dan konfundir tamen lingua soko, agar tamen bu yao komprender mei lingua."

8. Dan Yahaveh le disipar tamen tsong soko heng al face de al mina dunia, dan tamen dejar konstruir al urb.

9. So lok nomin cheng "Babel", karena soko Yahaveh le konfundir al lingua de al mina dunia, dan tsong soko Yahaveh le disipar tamen heng al face de al mina dunia.


A: Arabic, E: English, G: German, Gk: Greek, H: Hindi, I: Indonesian, J: Japanese, M: Mandarin, S: Spanish, Sw: Swahili, Q: Quechua

agar (I) so that

ai (M) down, below, under

al (A) the

argil (L) clay

ba (M) imperative/hortative particle

Babel (Hebrew) proper name

brik (E) brick

bu (M) no, not

celest (L) sky, heaven

chapta (H) flat

cheng (M) medial voice/predicative particle

dan (I) and

dao (M) to, up to

de (M,L) of

decir (S) say

dejar (S) stop, cease

disipar (S) spread

dono (J) who, which

dore (J) what

dotoki (J) when

dunia (A) world

es (S) be (short for estar)

face (E) face

famozi (L) famous

gei (M) to, for

gen (M) with

gou (M) past tense particle

guan (M) about

ha (S) (short for haber)

habitar (S) live, reside

hablar (S) speak

hacer (S) do, make

haku (Q) right, let's go

halyar (S) find

heng (M) across, throughout

ji (M) oneself

kai (M) inceptive aspect particle

kalima (A) word

karena (I) because

kefal (Gk) head

komprender (S) understand

konfundir (S) confound, confuse

konspirar (S) plot, conspire

konstruir (S) build, construct

kore (J) this

kotoki (J) now

kwemar (S) burn

land (E,G) land

le (M) completed aspect particle

li (M) in

lingua (L) language

lok (L) place

mei (M) one another

men (M) plural particle

mina (J) wholly, completely

minadore (J) everything

mortar (E) mortar

mtoto (Sw) child

nacion (L,S) nation

nomin (L) name

o (J) objective case particle

onajidono (J) same

peter (Gk) rock, stone

prevenido (S) prevented

Qedem (Hebrew) proper name

ren (M) people

riki (Q) look, wow, behold

sakta (H) hard

shark (A) east

Shinar (Hebrew)

shou (M) passive voice particle

so (J,E,G) so, thus

soko (J) then

sore (J) that

tamen (M) they

tekst (E) text

tsong (M) from, by

turm (G) tower

un (L) one

urb (L) town, city

venir (S) come

ver (S) see

viajar (S) travel

wa (J) topic end particle

wo (M) I, me, my

women (M) we, us, our

wu (M) it, its, thing

Yahaveh (Hebrew) proper name

yao (M) future tense particle

zai (M) at

zhe (M) continuous aspect particle

Submitted by Ed Robertson

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